
My thoughts on life, design, and simplicity.

Pacific Coast Badge Series

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The Pacific Coast has some of the most scenic and awe-inspiring coastlines in the country. From the hobbit-like islands in the north to the redwood forests and silky sand beaches to the south, this route has a little something for everyone. So it’s no surprise that the Pacific Coast bicycle route is one of the most popular routes in the US. Although they’re many types of accommodation options along the route, nothing beats the wonderful state parks dotting the coastline. And with most campsites having specific areas for hikers and bikers, you never have to worry about not having a place to stay for the night. 

Pedaling to most of these parks personally has helped spark my inspiration for creating The Pacific Coast Badge Series. My goal with this project is to design a badge for every state park cyclists visit during their journey. These parks are really the hidden gems of the route that make it truly fantastic. Although they generally don’t garner as much attention as the bigger destinations, they each have a beauty to them all their own. I want to capture and represent this beauty in each badge design. I’m starting the project with select Washington State Parks, then I'll move south to Oregon and California.

You can stay updated on my progress HERE.