
My thoughts on life, design, and simplicity.

Live at The Barn Ollala -Dec. 11th Premiere

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I am back at The Barn! This time with artist & instrument maker Caleb Byerly. At this event, Caleb plays the Salimbaa-it’s an ancient tribal instrument lost to time until God revealed it to Caleb in a dream. You can read more about the amazing story of the Salimbaa and how it returned to its tribe here. I was able to play a different range of percussion for this acoustical set including, bongos, cymbals, and Cajon. It was a great change of pace for me versus being behind the drumset. 

About The Barn

I have the privilege of being a part of an amazing musical family here in the Northwest. Overseen by Michael and Penny Proctor, The Barn in Ollala, Wa, is a live event venue and recording studio. There have been many albums recorded there as well as countless live shows and events.