
My thoughts on life, design, and simplicity.

My new Journey Behind the Typewriter


As human beings, we need relationships, interactions, and connections with others to truly thrive. We want to be heard and contribute to the greater good - to make the world a better place. For some of us, its expression comes effortlessly. For others like me, it takes time to develop. Writing has always been something I’ve aspired to do, I just never got serious about it. I’m wanting to change that. Over the past couple of years, I’ve experimented with different ways of expressing my thoughts, but nothing felt quite right until I started writing. I like taking a craftsman-like approach, molding and shaping thoughts and stories into something that others can enjoy. There’s also a permanence to text. It captures a moment, an idea that’s forever shielded from the effects of time.

So I’ve decided to get serious about my writing and start a blog. I plan on discussing a wide range of topics including cycling, life, business and other thoughts or content I feel would be valuable to share. I hope to inspire others to open their heart, spark good conversation, maybe even provoke change. So get ready, to get wordy.    

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